Looney Labs EcoFluxx Mailing list Archive

Re: [Eco] Take the BYOB Pledge, Score a Bike and a Glacier

  • From"Cecelia Thomas" <sagefire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 18 Dec 2007 12:57:39 -0700
Living near Boulder, recycling bags for groceries has long been a standard around here. In addition to the health food stores giving money back (5 cents a bag) or donating the 5 cents to a charity, now the regular grocery stores do it as well.
King Soopers (Kroger), Safeway and Albertsons all have canvas bags and new fangled recycled bags available for purchase. The recycled bags are about 99 cents each and if you hit the various fairs and festivals during the summer, you can these for free handouts.
I keep a canvas bag in my trunk full of various bags and walk into any store with them. I even do it for some retail stores. I do occasionally get some looks from the retail stores but I'd rather not go home with one more plastic bag. I used one yesterday doing some holiday shopping at a book/game store (where I purchased some copies of Zombie Fluxx for gifts!). They were pleased as punch that I brought my own bag.

On Dec 18, 2007 10:53 AM, Maria P <mudpuppy1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I haven't had any trouble with it.  I roll up the bags & put them in a smaller canvas bag which I also stick my keys, phone & wallet in.  I was concerned the first time I did it at Wal-mart, but no worries!  :)  I enjoy breaking in cashiers new to the concept...what an opportunity for discussion!  It always amazes them how much stuff those bags will hold!  --Maria

On Dec 18, 2007 12:49 PM, Ryan Hackel <deeplogic@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I've got two reusable bags that I take with me when I walk to the supermarket.  But in general I'm wary of taking bags into retail outlets because I'm nervous that I'll be accused of shoplifting.


 --- On Tue 12/18, Carol Townsend < carol.townsend@xxxxxxxxx > wrote:
From: Carol Townsend [mailto: carol.townsend@xxxxxxxxx]
To: eco@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 10:56:46 -0600
Subject: Re: [Eco] Take the BYOB Pledge, Score a Bike and a Glacier

We also have Aldi's, but even better is the Jewel/Osco stores who are selling really great reusable bags (nice big square-bottom "cloth" bags - I think the cloth is made from recycled plastic bags - with great handles on them), and they're set right by the registers.
The only thing that would really encourage the use of these bags more is if you get a few pennies off your purchase for using them. I think the "MOM's" stores in DC do that, don't they?Carol
On 12/18/07, Maria P < mudpuppy1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This is a fantastic idea!  I do it already & don't get near as many "you brought your own bags?" comments & looks of disbelief as I used to.  There's a grocery store called Aldi's that doesn't provide bags so you bring your own or buy them there.  I leave a few in my truck so they're always there when I need them.  I think we all have giant stashes of plastic bags, so let's not let them grow any bigger!   Kudos to you for "doing your part"!  :)  --Maria