Looney Labs Educators Mailing list Archive

Re: [Edu] RE: Looney for Learning

  • Frommiyu <xmiyux@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateMon, 25 Jun 2007 12:39:15 -0400
Awesome! I'm so ridiculously excited to meet everyone and put some faces to names on my computer screen.

That and I'm hoping i can find some people to teach me a few LL games like Chrononauts and Nanofictionary. :lol:  I bought Nano for my club and want to write a lesson plan for my class next year but for the life of me I can't figure the thing out. :lol:  I think I need my tests read to me.


On 6/25/07, Kimberly Terrill <kiter5@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I want to see Ryan and iis Spanish Lessonplans... as I and my boys are trying to learn Spanish to talk to Manuel.

Ora, lege, lege, lege, relege, labora et invenies.