1) When it says "Choose 2 players", can the one who played the card choose him/herself?
Of course! In fact, there's no other choice when playing with 2.
2) This card can raise some interesting player interactions and social dynamics. Far from being random, the players can deliberately try for a specific result. I tend to think this is a feature rather than a bug...
This is one of the things I love about this card, actually.
Looking over the list, there is no obvious pattern that would make me want to pick low/middle/high numbers, depending on what result I wanted for the recipient.
That's what I was going for.
But there's nothing prohibiting discussion and collusion,
...except house rules, of course.
I'm certain that in some groups #6 would be the only answer ever chosen, making this card futile for them.
Not if you pick yourself as one of the number-callers.