Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive


  • FromMarc Hartstein <marc.hartstein@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSat, 04 Feb 2006 15:39:21 -0500
On Fri, Feb 03, 2006 at 11:09:28PM -0500, Alan Anderson wrote:
> SWAP is still a bit unclear.  We all know what "only if it must"  
> means now, but I don't think it's all that obvious to the  
> uninitiated.  How about making it explicit?  "Only flat pieces  
> entering a tower change orientation."

Replace "flat" with "sideways" for consistency.  Is there room for the
extra text?

> I suggest wording DIG something like this:  "A sideways piece tunnels  
> down and surfaces upright next to or underneath anything it points  
> at, standing up anything it rises underneath. On a tower, the top  
> piece moves to the bottom."

"A piece tunnels down and surfaces upright at any spot in the line in the
direction pointed (or in place).  Stand up anything it rises underneath.
A piece in a tower moves to the bottom."