On 1/9/07, kerry_and_ryan@xxxxxxx <kerry_and_ryan@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Ok, I'l contribute my thoughts as well.
I've been considering how to make Giant Martian Coasters. The normal ones are 4" square, so a "correctly" scaled up one should be 32" on a side. I imagine 30" would be good enough.
True - 32" is correct for scale - but I've thought that having the squares be just a bit larger than the pyramid would be good too. And having 4 extra inches (in my 36x36" cardboard version) isn't enough of a scale problem to me - at least not worth the hassle of cutting it down.
How about real wood?
This assumes the ownership of tools to work with wood - band saws, power sanders, etc - which I just don't have.
If you're up for it - I'd love to see what you do with it!
And just as a last thought - those who receive these lists in digests do dearly love when we snip out unneeded portions of previous emails instead of just appending all the previous discussion within each post of the thread. Thanks to those who snip!