Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] Homeworlds Rule Clarification/confirmation

  • From"William M. Reed" <wreed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 28 Jan 2007 16:19:40 -0500
I have a question to be sure that I'm correctly understanding one of the rules for building.  When I use green to build, I have to choose from the smallest size available.  Am I correct in belieing this means no matter what color I want, I have to pick the smallest available?  In other words, if I want red, but they're only available in medium, and there are still small yellows, I cannot take the medium red?  Am I reading that right?

I'm not complaining about rules, I just want to be sure I'm playing by them corectly, so that when I challenge Andy next Origins (  :-D  ) he doesn't say, "No, you've misread that rule (and now your strategies are all shot to hell)"  -- though he likely wouldn't say that last part aloud.

William M. Reed
St. Joseph Montessori School
933 Hamlet St.
Columbus, OH  43201