Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] Trehouse set v. single stash

  • FromDavid Artman <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 05 Apr 2007 09:56:14 -0700
>> * If the game uses no more than 15 pieces and color is irrelevant, it's
>> "single stash."
>> * If the game uses no more than 15 pieces and color is relevant or is
>> used to distinguish piece ownership during play, it's "Treehouse set."

>By these definitions, the game Treehouse is a "single stash" game,
>since color is irrelevant-- location on the table is the only thing
>needed to distinguish piece ownership.

Correct, Treehouse is technically both, as it can be played with a
monochrome stash.

>> * A game is tagged as both ONLY IF it has variants that allow for the
>> use of either a SS or TH.

>Is there any "single stash" game that couldn't also be played with a
>Treehouse set?  Oh, hmm, I guess games that require more than 3 opaque

...or any game that is hamstrung by opaques:
Take That!
Tic Tac Doh!

Admittedly, you could play them with a Treehouse stash minus the
opaques, but that's a 20% reduction in the number of available pieces,
which would surely affect play--I'd expect a lot more tie games, with
an even number of each size.

SO, how about these revisions:

* If the game uses no more than 15 pieces, and color is irrelevant ***or
the use of opaques hinders play***, then it's "single stash."

* If the game uses no more than 15 pieces, and color is relevant or is
***critical*** to distinguish piece ownership during play, then it's
"Treehouse set."

Closer? Or do you have a set of counter-definitions that "hook into"
simpler ways to distinguish?


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