Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] 5th Stash :)

  • From"Timothy Hunt" <games@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSat, 14 Jul 2007 20:54:17 -0400
By marking a second set of Martian Coasters (to indicate that they are
the Xeno ones, rather than the Rainbow ones), you can play 8-player MC
(or 10 if you get 2 promo coasters)


On 7/14/07, miyu <xmiyux@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Are there any games that you would need both a rainbow and a xeno set for?
I have 5 rainbow stashes for my school club and was intending to pick up 7
more rainbow stashes soon.  My eventual goal is to have a minimum of 21
stashes for school and i hadn't even thought of having both rainbow and


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