Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

RE: [Icehouse] Ice Game Design Competition is ON!

  • FromDavid Artman <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 09 Aug 2007 14:19:45 -0700
> From: "James Hazelton" <jameshazelton@xxxxxxxxx>
> Could you tell us, off the record, which games have entered? I understand

Sorry, but no. It's been discussed here and elsewhere (the IGDC Talk
page); and it was determined that the benefits of a simultaneous reveal
outweigh the benefits of revealing as they submit (I don't recall anyone
coming up with any benefits of the latter, actually, so that's really
"the lack-of-benefits" and even "detriments").

It's only another week and a day... be patient!
Current IGDC Coordinator