Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

RE: [Icehouse] Boxed Zendo

  • From"Christopher Hickman" <tophu@xxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 15 Aug 2007 16:59:46 -0400
> You realize that you can replace the colors with another color, if you
> want, right? In fact, the mega list of rules doesn't even 
> specify sizes
> or colors in its rules, because they can be varied trivially without
> weakening or strengthening the rule.

Yeah. I already play (and love) Zendo, making up my own rules.  If I played
with the actual Zendo rules cards, it would irk me to not have the colors
specified on those cards.  Just a little personal quirk. :)

> Hey! Don't knock TH dice; some games use 3, and they make great
> hand-outs for demos

I wasn't.  I just already have five dice, and I don't think I need five

> And an extra black stash is a great opportunity to make a pocket stash
> (saw down each mid to one size "smaller": 0-pips, 1-pip, 2-pips)

Now there's an idea!

> Or to make a black "skeleton stash" which is usable in stacking games

I love that stash, too.  I think I'd rather do it with white, though.

> And beside ALL those great reasons to buy TH 5-sets, perhaps 
> time's not up yet:
> http://www.looneylabs.com/OurStores/product.html?ProductID=43

Yeah, Kristin told me on the weekend that she thought it would still be up
there until they get back from GenCon.

> ...OR you can buy single pyramids to build up mono stashes, for US$16,
> indefinitely:
> http://www.looneylabs.com/OurStores/product.html?ProductID=50

Yeah.  I think I'll use that method when I want a set as a starter to
piecenik (like that skeleton stash), but I'd rather just deal with extras
otherwise.  I don't have enough disposable cash to get five Treehouse sets
now, and buying singles at an inflated cost would irk my inner penny-pincher
even more.

> But nevertheless... if you have three or four mono stashes, you *can*
> play Zendo right now.

And I do!

> Use pennies for "white" koans, dimes for "black"
> koans, and pull your rules from the mega list:
> http://www.playagaingames.com/games/zendo_some_rules

Ugh.  Pennies and dimes?  Yuck.  I mean, I don't like the stones I have now,
but at least they'd be better than that...

> Or play Ikkozendo, with any combination of stacks (TH sets, a random
> assortment of mono stashes, etc):
> http://icehousegames.org/wiki/index.php?title=Ikkozendo

I haven't tried this yet.  I should.

> Hope this all helps;
> David

Yeah.  Thanks!

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