Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Extend IGDC Judging?

  • From"Timothy Hunt" <games@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 18 Sep 2007 12:54:55 -0500
> Therefore, I am asking the Icehouse and the Rabbits list if anyone wants
> the judging to be extended by TWO WEEKS, to October 1st at noon. Please
> don't replay with "whatever others want" or with "I don't care"--only
> reply if you have a firm opinion FOR or AGAINST this extension.

FOR - need more time, havent' got to them all yet.

> Me? The only negative I see is that the winner of the "Summer 2007" IGDC
> will be announced in the fall. Given that the submission and play MOSTLY
> will have occurred in summer, I can deal with this seeming disparity.
> But I could also see folks being anxious, say, to start providing
> feedback while it's fresh (and being unwilling to do so while judging is
> going on). I can also see an argument against extension based on the
> time we will need to design, submit, and judge for Winter (i.e. every
> delay now pushes back its dates, to an extent).

The Origins "Game of the year" for 2006 was announced in July 2007. :)
