Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Extend IGDC Judging?

  • FromJim Purbrick <jimpurbrick@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 19 Sep 2007 08:54:33 +0100 (BST)
I say close the judging. Having a deadline was good
and meant I actually made the effort to play the games
(apart from the ones that needed martian coasters:
anyone know where to get them in the UK?)

--- David Artman <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> OK, folks!
> The Ice(house) Game Design Competition judging
> SHOULD have concluded
> last night at midnight local (i.e. my) time. [FYI,
> the rules NOW read
> "noon" so I can handle it during the day, rather
> than on the following
> day.]
> Further, I am rather satisfied by the number of
> rankings that I have
> received (36!).
> However, I do not want our first competition in two
> years to suffer any
> claims of being "hurried" or any participants to
> feel they couldn't have
> a voice because they did not have enough time. In
> particular, a few
> folks mentioned that they could not get to all of
> them, for whatever
> reason, and had to submit incomplete rankings. In
> fact, *I* have not
> gotten to all of them and, therefore, won't submit a
> ranking at all
> (that's just how I roll, in spite of the fact that
> our scoring system
> doesn't penalize unranked games).
> Therefore, I am asking the Icehouse and the Rabbits
> list if anyone wants
> the judging to be extended by TWO WEEKS, to October
> 1st at noon. Please
> don't replay with "whatever others want" or with "I
> don't care"--only
> reply if you have a firm opinion FOR or AGAINST this
> extension.
> Me? The only negative I see is that the winner of
> the "Summer 2007" IGDC
> will be announced in the fall. Given that the
> submission and play MOSTLY
> will have occurred in summer, I can deal with this
> seeming disparity.
> But I could also see folks being anxious, say, to
> start providing
> feedback while it's fresh (and being unwilling to do
> so while judging is
> going on). I can also see an argument against
> extension based on the
> time we will need to design, submit, and judge for
> Winter (i.e. every
> delay now pushes back its dates, to an extent).
> So I will leave it to y'all: IF you care, reply with
> a YES or a NO to
> extending to October 1st. Ideally, also provide a
> reason FOR or AGAINST
> doing so, as that might help those on the fence
> decide. I will run this
> poll for exactly TWO days (so, basically, we get a
> two day extension for
> free).
> And folks, remember the "amendment sub-rule" of rule
> #5 on the wiki: if
> you submit a new ranking, I will DELETE your old
> one; thus, you can
> adjust or update your ranking repeatedly. Just be
> sure that you use the
> same e-mail, or else I have to manually associate by
> name (whereas Gmail
> does that for me, with grouping by sender).
> I will require a simple majority: even one vote more
> for or against will
> decide it. You have until 2pm Eastern Time on
> Thursday the 20th to reply
> to either list (not to me, please!).
> Thanks, all;
> David
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> Icehouse mailing list
> Icehouse@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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