Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Idea for Wiki Art

  • From"Timothy Hunt" <games@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 8 Nov 2007 13:02:44 -0600
*jaw drops*

Those are some pretty awesome images.


On 11/8/07, kerry_and_ryan@xxxxxxx <kerry_and_ryan@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Yes, we can draw pretty much anything with POV-ray.
> http://home.att.net/~kerry_and_ryan/MartianRace.html
> http://home.att.net/~kerry_and_ryan/MartianShogi.html
> http://home.att.net/~kerry_and_ryan/IceDao.html
> http://home.att.net/~kerry_and_ryan/XIIIIITpix.html
> http://home.att.net/~kerry_and_ryan/LLToys.jpg
> And when I say "we" I actually mean "I".  I've been working on the include files for POV-ray to make pyramids as easy to draw as possible.  I've expended some effort to make the definitions as efficient as possible, but I can do only so much to speed up the raytracing engine.
> Ryan
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