Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Idea for Wiki Art

  • FromDenis Moskowitz <dmm@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 13 Nov 2007 11:10:52 -0500 (EST)
> On 11/12/07, Denis Moskowitz <dmm@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > [Don Sheldon]
> > > It seems that the black, white, gray and clear images have some
> > > transparency errors.  Several, seemingly at random, have opaque gray
> > > backgrounds.
> > Can you tell me which pages you see this problem on, and which images
> > have it?  I don't see any such issues when I look.
> small/pages/*[kwt].html
> all [123] lefts and rights, trees, nests, 2 diagonals and, for clear
> only, 1 orthogonals.
> I'm at work and am stuck using IE version 6.0.

These all work for me on Firefox/IE7/Safari - apparently you're hitting
the bug described here:


Apparently there's a workaround but it's best applied on a page-wide or
site-wide level - I'm concerned that it will be difficult for wiki users
to add to their pages.  We'd probably need a wiki admin to apply it to
every wiki page.
Denis M Moskowitz            Jen feroca malbona kuniklo; rigardu liajn
dmm@xxxxxxxxxxx              sovagxajn vangharojn, kaj liajn ungojn kaj
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