Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive
[Icehouse] IGDC Winter 2008 Game Pages Being Modified
- From"David Artman" <david.artman@xxxxxxxxx>
- DateThu, 20 Mar 2008 13:37:14 -0400
This is a heads up to the list that the Win08 IGDC game pages are being modified to use a Winner Box which lists all below 3rd as "Other Entries".
This was done based on a "poll" which resolved (sort of) as 4 to 3 in favor. Looking more closely at the "poll" in terms of those affected (i.e. actual Participants), the results would be 2 to 1 against (two Participants against one) with three non-Participants offering input (in this case, in favor of an obfuscatory Winner Box). It is my considered opinion that those whose pages actually are changed
by such a "poll resolution" be the only ones whose preferences matter, as their pages are the only ones affected.
Those of you with a stake in this "issue" might want to confirm that you are happy with the changes being made to your game pages. I believe that this is in keeping with the general modus operandi of the IHG.org wiki: as a community, we respect a designer's right to present his or her game in whatever manner he or she wishes, and to accept (or hide, or reject) any kudoes or recognition it is given. Apparently, there are folks who believe the IHG.org wiki should conform to their particular preferences across all pages....