On 12/18/08, Graveyard Greg <graveyardgreg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > I'm on the look out for some great Pyramid games. I have five tubes of the > Treehouses (and I'm looking to get the Grey and Pink colors eventually), so > I was wondering what games would be an absolute blast to play with about 2-6 > people? > > The games I already play with great fierceness are Zendo, Martian Coasters, > Treehouse (of course), Zark City, Martian Chess, the 3house games (with the > exception of Homeworlds. Just can't seem to get into the spirit of it) and > even a game that required an Aquarius deck. > > So what say you fellow Icehouse fans? I'm a big fan of Gnostica. I also highly recommend trying Homeworlds, especially the two player version. Is more that you just didn't like it, or that you couldn't get around the rules? I know a lot of people who couldn't understand them just from reading through them. It's a much easier game to learn in person. Also, last winter's (I think? Summer before?) IGDC winner Pylon is a great (and easy to learn) two player game. I also hear good things about some crazy game called Icehouse ;) -- - |) () /\/