Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Playing with Pyramids suggestions

  • From"Tucker" <jazzfish@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 18 Dec 2008 08:34:12 -0500 (EST)
> I'm on the look out for some great Pyramid games. I have five tubes of
> the Treehouses (and I'm looking to get the Grey and Pink colors
> eventually), so I was wondering what games would be an absolute blast to
> play with about 2-6 people?

Pikemen's great for two and quite good with three.

Precary-ice and CrackeD Ice are both excellent dexterity games with no
particular upper limit.

The original Icehouse is good if you have exactly four players who are
willing to learn a really weird game.

It is in the nature of poets to misuse their sources.
 --John M. Ford, "The Lost Dialogue"