Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] Your favorite (and least favorite) 3 (or 7) games

  • From"David L. Willson" <DLWillson@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 20 Mar 2009 10:27:41 -0600 (MDT)

1) Zendo
2) Icehouse
3) Homeworlds
*) Treehouse  (for little/new people)
*) Thin Ice   (same, but I really like this one)
*) Death Race (because Max made it, but it takes too darn long)
*) Thin Ice

Least Favorites:

Martian Coasters - The more I play it, the more random and too-long it seems.
IceTowers        - Why can't I find the fun?  I teach it and play it and suck at it.
Homeworlds       - Why, why, why can't I ever beat Davey!?

David L. Willson
Trainer, Engineer, Enthusiast
MCT, MCSE, Linux+
Freeing people from the tyranny (or whatevery) of Microsofty-ness, one at a time.