Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Icehouse Game Design Competitions and Icehouse Awards

  • From"Jeff Wolfe" <jwolfe@xxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 5 Nov 2009 02:24:37 -0500
> - If the Looneys are OK with an Icehouse Awards during Origins, I
> think it would be good to have the winner announced at Origins as
> well.

This would be great if we could pull it off, but it would involve playing,
tallying votes, and awarding over the same weekend.  I suppose it depends on
how complicated we make the voting system if that could be done.  Keep in
mind that we would want to allow non-Origins voters to participate as well,
so someone would have to gather and tabulate email votes, too.  If it comes
down to a choice, I would rather see people playing the games than see the
announcement of the winner.

> - I don't think they'll ever publish "Playing with Pyramids 2".

I agree.  The notion was entirely hypothetical.  Suppose they were going to
publish PwP2.  Would the game under consideration be suitable for inclusion?

It would need to:

- Be a fun game
- Have rules that were complete and unambiguous
- Have well-written rules, with examples

Even professionally developed games can have issues with the quality of the
rules.  With fan-developed games, they sometimes can be just horrible.  I
would like to see us encourage those with game design skills to solicit help
from those with rules writing skills so we can have truly high quality