Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Icehouse Game Design Competitions and Icehouse Awards

  • From"Jeff Wolfe" <jwolfe@xxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 5 Nov 2009 23:44:03 -0500
> Are you a Origins regular? At this junction, that's probably the main
> qualification for Coordinator.

I have gone to Origins in each of the last five years.  Plus, I live in
Columbus, so I could be a local contact if you needed, for example, to mail
stuff to town in advance of the event.  But unfortunately, I don't think I
would have the time or energy to be the point person on this.

> I wish we could get a Loony opinion, here. It changes a lot of the concept
> of the Best Of Award, if it is not a Looney event or is not at least
> somewhat addressed or acknowledged at The Big Experiment. And I'd really
> like Andy to be involved in nomination or or both, both for the "cache"
> because he's a damned smart designer (even if he like randomness more than
> do). ;)

I wouldn't want this to become a Looney thing.  I think it should be
community driven.  I see it as kind of an event within an event within an
event (y'know, because the Big Experiment itself is an event within an
event).  If we could put up a poster, have some copies of the rules (to the
award and the nominated games) lying around, that would be all that we would
need from them.  Otherwise, I would love for Andy and Kristen to participate
as fellow fans of Icehouse games, not as Looney Labs.

> > As far as names go, Apex Awards seems an obvious choice.
> Pyramid Pinnacle Prize or just Pinnacle Prize is kind of catchy, too. :)

I've been trying to figure out a way to put the word "Community" into the
name, and I came up with:
Icehouse Community Excellence Awards (aka ICE Awards)

> > If such a thing does happen, who is the sponsoring organization?
> > Icehousegames.org?  Looney Labs? Both? Someone/thing else?

Sponsored by the Icehouse community.  We would need icehousegames.org for
reference to the rules (although we would need paper rules as well,
especially at Origins).  And we would need Looney Labs to let us crash their
party.  But otherwise, I think it should just be us.