Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] brainstorming about National Games Week

  • FromMichael Kolodner <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSat, 8 Oct 2005 11:28:35 -0400
It strikes me that National Games Week is over Thanksgiving Week, but doesn't seem to really use that in any coherent way. So what about capitalizing on the holiday? Some ideas include: - encouraging Family Fluxx after Thanksgiving dinner. Maybe offer one Rabbit Point if you play a game of Family Fluxx with your neices and nephews, or EcoFluxx with your Uncles and Aunts. Something that will spur rabbits to buy copies of the new games, but won't cost Looney Labs a ton in Rabbit Points. - Encourage outdoor Experiments related to "Black Friday," such as running an experiment on the street at the crack of dawn outside some of the stores that have lines (like Toys R Us, or Malls, or the like). - Is there something that Rabbits could do in popular restaurents or Mall Food Courts during Black Friday?

	-Michael Kolodner


Michael Kolodner


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