Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] brainstorming about National Games Week

  • From"Stephanie M. Clarkson" <stephanie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSat, 08 Oct 2005 15:12:39 -0400
Michael Kolodner wrote:

- Encourage outdoor Experiments related to "Black Friday," such as running an experiment on the street at the crack of dawn outside some of the stores that have lines (like Toys R Us, or Malls, or the like). - Is there something that Rabbits could do in popular restaurents or Mall Food Courts during Black Friday?

I wonder if the Buy Nothing Day people might be encouraged to buy copies of EcoFluxx to play while blockading stores.... :-)


(which is ironic, because since it's new, they *would* have to buy it to play it... connects in my mind, for some reason, to people who've gone out and supported the capitalist society by buying Che Guevara shirts :-) )

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