Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] questions about Are You a Werewolf? packaging

  • From"Chris Ballowe" <cballowe@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateSun, 26 Feb 2006 21:56:17 -0800
I really do not like the temp stick type of bags, it always sticks to one of
my cards.

I have plenty of bags for my other games which don't come with them so it is
not an issue for me.  The game need some sort of container.  If a bag is not
included [maybe inside the shrink wrap] a note explaning the cost difference
near the UPC?  Cheapass used to use envelopes and switched to boxes so we
had something that would last to keep the game in.

Our group uses the other company's deck at times when it is only experienced
players in the game.  The "Kid" is broken.  We like the "Hunter" and we were
undecided on the "Lovers".  I don't always make our month gameday but we
always play atleast two games of AYAW?

Chris Ballowe
Cheapass Demo Monkey
Looney Labs Demo Rabbit
SJGames MIB#1305

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dan Isaac 2" <disaac2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Rabbits Discussion List" <rabbits@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2006 6:20 PM
Subject: RE: [Rabbits] questions about Are You a Werewolf? packaging

> What about the plastic bags that have the fold-over flap with
> the temp-stick (like post-it notes).
> Would those be more cost effective then a zip lock bag?
> Otherwise, I would think $5 would be fine.
> As mentioned, people do need some way to contain the cards.
> I can't really read the text on the online etiquette card.
> It's too small on my PC. Is the text online somewhere?
> - Dan
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