Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] Are you a werewolf? Question

  • From"Steve Donohue" <sdonohue@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 5 Jul 2006 00:26:27 -0400
I can't believe there's been days and days of discussion on this already.

I think if there are going to be variant games of any sort then they need to be labeled as "variants" when players sign up for them so they know what they're getting into. Unless something in the program clearly states otherwise, I expect the games I sign up for to use the published rules.

If I've played the game before, then it helps me to prepare for it and to know how to play; changing the rules deprives me of that and may mean that I won't enjoy the game. Strange as it sounds, some people actually like playing games the way the rules are written.

I ran a bunch of Zombies!!! demos this year. There are many variants for Zombies!!! some of which are very popular and some of which I like better than the published rules, but the demos ran with the published rules because only those rules give the players common ground in understanding the game.