Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

RE: [Rabbits] Giant Pyramids

  • From"David Tyberg" <dfunkmale@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 7 Sep 2006 16:35:34 -0400
Hey, no worries about any of this.  The whole reason I decided to speak
up was because I had a different opinion and I figured Kristen et al
would appreciate a variety of viewpoints.  No matter what decisions get
made based on this discussion (or not...), I thought it'd be good to
offer an alternate opinion just to get people thinking outside their own
frame of reference.  I'm not saying anybody's view is more valid than
any other.  But one-sided debates are boring.  Everybody's been
courteous, intelligent and friendly.  I don't feel flamed or under
attack.  No trolling, so no harm.

~David Tyberg

-----Original Message-----
From: rabbits-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:rabbits-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Billy Brahma
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2006 3:28 PM
To: rabbits@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [Rabbits] Giant Pyramids

I'm just sitting here reading all these people questioning David Tyberg
his willingness to buy Giant Mids.. ?????

He already has them... he uses them ENDLESSLY to promote the products.
not talking from lack of experience on what gets attraction and what 

He's seen the response the Giant Mids get.. He does this in Parks and
all over Atlanta.  Atlanta is far from an open minded area about 
strangeness.. and David and his roommates take the Giant Mids out.. and 
voluntarily look strange for your and my benefit.  Every new person that

hears the words Looney Labs and Icehouse get us one step closer to being
Giant in the Playground at Trade Shows.

If he's questioning marketing methods.. due to experience getting people
react to various games played in public venues at this own leisure... I 
would hope Kristen and company are listening.  We learn more by doing
these games than anything else I've ever done.  And liek I said at
Con.. The Giant Mids are David and Amy's thing.. I'm happy to stand by
tables and learn from those that know.

I'm not saying.. SHHHH.. But I am saying.. the guys got tons of time in
getting people to stop and play.. and theres something to be learned
his willingness to step up on this issue and express that insight.

Robert Bunn

>From: "Christopher Hickman" <tophu@xxxxxxx>
>Reply-To: Rabbits Discussion List <rabbits@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: "'Rabbits Discussion List'" <rabbits@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: RE: [Rabbits] Giant Pyramids
>Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2006 12:30:42 -0400
>  > True.  But that doesn't work for the small-sized ones.
>What do you mean?  You can't paint the 1-pointers?  Why not?
>Rabbits mailing list

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