Yeah, I know about it... (the universe fell apart the last two PttP weekends,... and ChiTag...) and honestly I don't know if I'll be around in december... (besides that, it's an awfully long time to wait)
There's a game night at a coffee shop around me (few miles west... kind of around, but more so than naperville). They may be more inclined to try new and strange things.
On 11/22/06, Tonya Foust <tmfoust@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Don't forget that we have monthly warren meeting the 3rd Saturday of every month (except this coming because of the holiday) at Pizza to The People in southwest Naperville (just north of 75th street on Rt. 59).
Hope to see you there sometime!
"There is only one success -
to be able to spend your life in your own way."
-Christopher Morley
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