Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] SW-Ohio Rabbits - Looking for someone to play [with pyramids?]

  • From"Kimberly Terrill" <kiter5@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 22 Nov 2006 15:24:13 -0500
It isn't really going to be a big GATHERING. I am hoping 5-8 people and pulling in passing by victims. I'll send out a notice when we get it all worked out. So you can see if it'll be worth your time to drive.
I know how to play IceTowers, Pikemen and Martian Chess, but not those others you mentioned. I'd like to learn though.

On 11/22/06, Dean McKenzie <dean@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
My family might be up for a gathering. My current rabbit profile has me
listed in Baltimore, but I'm currently working in Blue Ash and moving to
Reading -mid December. My family is in Lebanon, and I'm fimiliar with
the southern dayton/springboro/centerville area.

I'd love to learn to play Icehouse, and I know Homeworlds(can't figure
out  the mid/end game transitions), Ice towers, Zendo (although not good
at it, and never played faced to face).

I intend to ask Ivory Tower Games (Lebanon) folks if they want me to
Demo there once things settle down.

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