Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] Arisia 2007

  • FromKristin Looney <rabbit-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 06 Dec 2006 06:47:23 -0500
Looking at the Looney Labs roster for this convention:

Solomon Davidoff and Marc Hartstein - will you be attending this show
again this year?  Or should we take you off the roster?

Brian: Thanks for taking on the coordinator role for this convention!
Please encourage anyone else who you know will be there to get
themselves added to this roster. If you know for sure that someone
will be there, but can't get them to log in and update the roster,
ping Carol at rabbit-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx and she can update the
list from the back end - please let her know if you know the status
of Solomon and Marc's attendance at the show this year.

We had great fun at Arisia in 2003
- that was the year we ran that silly trivia about the Looneys
game show.  :)  We should do that again sometime!

Thanks for promoting our games at your favorite local convention!

-Kristin (of the Looney variety)

--On December 4, 2006 Brian Campbell <lambda@xxxxxxx> wrote:

It's probably time (or past time, but that's never stopped me in the
past) to be thinking about demoing at Arisia 2007. Arisia's in a new
hotel this year, so I'm not sure what to expect from the gaming  space.
Hopefully we'll have a nice open gaming space, that we can get  a corner
of and always have games available to play and most of the  time have
people available to demo them.

I liked the basic format of what we did last year. We had a couple of
scheduled times for demos, which got everyone together at particular
times to get critical mass for gaming, and then just had the games
available to play, and usually a couple of people around willing to
play, during most hours of the con. This year, I'll hopefully be able  to
get our info in soon enough to get in the program book (crosses  fingers
hoping it isn't too late already), which should make the  scheduled
sessions an even better focusing point for our activities.

So, I'd like to know who's interested in helping out, and what  they're
interested in doing. We could do it just like last year,  where there was
a scheduled card games demo, a scheduled Icehouse  demo, and a scheduled
Giant Icehouse demo, with the rest just people  hanging out and playing
games. Other ideas are to have a floating  tournament of some sort (any
suggestions for the game? Treehouse?  Martian Coasters? Homeworlds?
RAMbots?), have official Werewolf  sessions, do it as an official Little
Experiment, or whatever you  suggest.

So, let me know if you're coming, what you'd prefer to do, and if  there
are any times that are better or worse for you, so I can get  back to the
gaming coordinator.

See you at Arisia,
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