Looney Labs Something Mailing list Archive

Re: [Something] What does everyone think of Andy's videos?

  • Frommiyu <xmiyux@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 27 Feb 2007 18:54:58 -0500
I loved the tour of the office.

The ones that explain how to play the games are also pretty neat.  I would love to see some that explain how to play some of the games from the Playing With Pyramids book because try as I might to read the rules and work through them I still have yet to teach them to my school club.


On 2/27/07, Elliott C. Evans <eeyore@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

Robin wrote:
> We've been meaning to ask everyone what you all think of Andy's
> newest endeavor - making videos? [...]
> Which ones are your favorites and least favorites (and why)?

My favorites are the ones that teach how to play a specific game.
The video can get the rules across more reliably, and more quickly
than any written rule set. I think those videos are most valuable
to new players, but they can be useful to new Rabbits who need
help learning how to demo, and they are interesting to instruction
geeks like myself. =^>

The more social videos are fun, and will help new fans make the
personal connection to Looney Labs that you just can't make with
most game companies, but the demos have more long term value, in
my opinion.

I do worry that somebody who doesn't know Andy might think he is
playing up for the camera, and not realize that he really is like
that. =^>

Elliott C. "Eeyore" Evans

Something mailing list

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