Looney Labs Educators Mailing list Archive

Re: [Edu] It's official

  • From"Kimberly Terrill" <kiter5@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 22 Mar 2007 08:52:47 -0400
Ryan- Congrats!
It sounds like an awesome class! If you start a blog of your class and lessons, let me know.
I enjoy blogging about our school days. It helps me see where we are and what we need to do. What works, what doesn't. And it helps my brain unravel at the end of the day. (plus I can use it for end of the year homeschool portfolios)
I taught a game class for our homeschool co-op a couple years ago. I loved it and wish I could do it again. I am thinking of having a homeschool game day at my local Game Store.
Have fun with the new class!

On 3/22/07, miyu <xmiyux@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I had been told there was a tentative plan for 2 years from now but just this morning I was informed that I will be teaching a single class of with the title Higher Order Thinking Skills.  It will be a 9th grade elective (and therefore give some high school credit) and will focus on teaching critical thinking skills through games and puzzles.  

Ora, lege, lege, lege, relege, labora et invenies.

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