Yay! The Games class is happening!! Congrats Ryan!
Anything we can do to help, you just need to ask.
* GAMA's Games in Education booklets list lots of good ideas and resources
* Board Game Geek might be a place to go - (
* Board Game News is another site that might be good for your kids (
Any game that has won Spiel des Jahres (Germany's Game of the Year) is a worthy game - especially if you understand the criteria for winning:
http://www.brettboard.dk/lib/award/sdj-b.htmhttp://tinyurl.com/ysqnvn (article in BGN, URL was way too big for email)
I envy your kids - learning the difference between Monopoly and Carcassonne so early!! Knowing that Meeple Power rocks! I'm just tickeled for all of you...