Front Side:
TREEHOUSE: It's not strictly a "game of chance". More like a "game of
a little luck and a little skill".
GAPS: "are all considered equally big." change to "should be all kept
the same."
STACKS: delete "When a tower is tipped...", this concept isn't
relevant here and is explained clearly under TIP on the other side.
Replace instead with something like "Towers can have smaller pieces
on bigger pieces, bigger on samller, or both!"
"If using a plain D6:" -- I realize that D6 is a common term among
gamers, but is it common enough term for others? Perhaps "plain die"
or "6-side die" will make it clearer,
Back Side:
HOP: It is a little awkward that that the initial example is ^1/2/3,
because one has to think for a moment why you can't hop all three at
once. Sigh. The way the second set of examples is also a little
awkwardly laid out. Swapping (A) and (B) would be clearer, but I
understand the constraints on space.
- Mark
Mark Lentczner