Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Giant Martian Coaster boards

  • From"Kimberly Terrill" <kiter5@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 9 Jan 2007 12:22:18 -0500
speaking as one who has actually done lots of bedsheet dragging... my kids use them all the time for tents and picnics.....
Bedsheets won't stay open and flat well at all when moved, but will have to be reflatened and the peices stood back up and repositioned.  I can imagine it would be annoying.
--Kimberly ----  just my thought on it.

On 1/9/07, Timothy Hunt <games@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
OK, these aren't going to be used outside.  THe cardboard 'mids don't
LOOK to be too heavy, so I'm just thinking out the box here...

WHy not just white bedsheets?  Should be easily draggable (with the
assistance of handles?) and if you number the squares 1-9, then prior
to a coaster move, you can easily record the positions of the 'mids
before moving, in case anything gets out of place.

Such "coasters" may not look quite as coaster-ish, but they would do
the essential job, and very easy to transport.

As for the squares, triangles and the dot, you could either paint them
on, or, for a better look, time allowing, get additional appropriately
coloured pieces of cloth to sew on (using black thread to provide the
