Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] icehouse stashes on ebay

  • From"Don Sheldon" <don.sheldon@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 11 Jan 2007 10:13:27 -0500
On 1/11/07, kerry_and_ryan@xxxxxxx <kerry_and_ryan@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Or you could set up 5 1/3 stashes on a 5x5 board and challenge someone to a game of Monochrome Volcano just to see how they react.  :-)

Score a 'mid
Declare victory (1 points to 0)

- |) () /\/
 probably best if you make the end-of-game condition be having one of
each size rather than one of each color