Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

[Icehouse] Attn. Kristin, How much is a lot, anyway?

  • FromChristopher Hickman <tophu@xxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 09 Mar 2007 07:13:24 -0800
On Wednesday, March 07, 2007, at 04:48PM, "Christopher Hickman" <tophu@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>On Wednesday, March 07, 2007, at 03:37PM, "David Artman" <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>Thank you for replying, Andy! Give some thought to that "even remotely
>>soon" thing, please--particularly now that you've gotten folks thinking
>>about 0-pointers, from your YouTube video. ;)
> To review, the reason it is not remotely soon is that in order to make them they'd have to have a
> new mold, and a new mold costs A LOT of money.  Perhaps when they do make the new high-
> capacity mold it will make five of each of every size from zero to 5 (a mega-stash?).

You know, I know that the expense of a new mold was emphasized, but how expensive is it really?  Are we talking a few thousand, or like dozens of thousands?

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