(Maybe Kristin or Andy could come in here and relieve us of infinite vote regress with a simple suggestion of what they and Looney Labs feel is best at this time, in terms of their own promotions and initiatives?)
I don't think it really matters to us. It would certainly help us more, from a marketing perspective, if the new games all require some number of Treehouse sets, rather than the old standard 4 color 60 piece Icehouse set - but I don't think it makes that much difference if it's 1 Treehouse set or 2 sets or 3 sets... I guess less pyramids is certainly better... but I really don't want to dictate what you guys do with this contest. The idea of a 2HOUSE contest is interesting... but really, for this next contest, I don't think you want to limit it too much, since all sorts of people have games they have been waiting to enter, and I would hate for them not to be able to enter because of a chosen theme... I am excited you are doing another contest! P.S. If more than a week or so goes by and I haven't updated this page with a mention of Treehouse winning Best Board Game of 2006 please nag me! <http://www.looneylabs.com/whybuy/treehouse.html>