Yeah, I never found the "official rules," I went by the video. Sorry to waste bandwidth. But while I'm on the subject, I meant to thank Andy for giving props to the IGDC and for reminding folks that there's only TEN DAYS left to send in your rankings. And may I say... we NEED them. The first IGDC in two years really should NOT be decided by only *mumble* judges!!! I will extend judging time, if I do not get rankings from at least *mumble* judges. But only once; after that, I have to assume lack of interest rather than lack of time (all these games take, like, ten minutes to thirty minutes each: two hours out of a month--or more--ain't hard to arrange, is it?). Thanks, all! David > From: "Timothy Hunt" <games@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > > 2) It is never clarified whether a nest or tree can have other pieces in > > the middle of it and still count as a win (i.e. as in Martian Coasters). ... > Yes it is: > > How to Win: The object of the game is to create one of the patterns ... > Tree or Nest don't matter, but no other pieces can be in-between.)