If you guys are interested I have an after school board game club that meets after school once a week starting next Tuesday (September 11th). I could easily print out the rules and have the kids play the games, rank them, and submit their votes to you guys. Normally I have 7-19 kids show up for the meetings.
I wasn't sure if you would want votes from a bunch of 13-15 year old kids but I can gather their opinions if you would like.
On 9/7/07,
David Artman <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Yeah, I never found the "official rules," I went by the video. Sorry to
waste bandwidth.
But while I'm on the subject, I meant to thank Andy for giving props to
the IGDC and for reminding folks that there's only TEN DAYS left to send
in your rankings.
And may I say... we NEED them. The first IGDC in two years really should
NOT be decided by only *mumble* judges!!!
I will extend judging time, if I do not get rankings from at least
*mumble* judges. But only once; after that, I have to assume lack of
interest rather than lack of time (all these games take, like, ten
minutes to thirty minutes each: two hours out of a month--or more--ain't
hard to arrange, is it?).
Thanks, all!
Ora, lege, lege, lege, relege, labora et invenies.