Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Game recommendations

  • Frommiyu <xmiyux@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 7 Sep 2007 18:34:58 -0400
Most of the students in my class have some academic issues.  That is why I'm trying to build up the difficulty level of the games slowly.  We will eventually play Gnostica but I have to print out that deck someone linked me to earlier that is school-safe.  I'm not wanting to bring a Tarot deck of any sort into a classroom.

Zendo worked out really well the day I moderated the games.  When I let them run their own games they ended up getting very bored and started playing Drip when I wasn't paying attention.

Rambots is a game I haven't even played myself.  I will have to print up the directions and try to learn it to teach them.  My problem is I'm very much a kinesthetic/visual learner so I need to see people playing the game (like the youtube videos Andy has done) or by sitting down and having someone step me through the game.  Reading the directions on many of the games just confuses me. :lol:

I'm very much like the middle school kids I teach.


On 9/7/07, Doug Orleans < dougorleans@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
miyu writes:
> I realized I left off the age group and all the other details.
> I run both an after school game club and teach a class on Higher Order
> Thinking Skills through puzzles and games.  The kids are approximately 15
> years old.

Heck, when I was 15 I was playing Civilization and AD&D.  I think you
could start them right in on Gnostica, Zendo, RAMbots, etc.  You
could probably even get them to play Missile Command from the first
IGDC, which I never had the patience to read all the rules for.

-- dougorleans@xxxxxxxxx

Ora, lege, lege, lege, relege, labora et invenies.