Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] IGDC Winter (and beyond)

  • Frommiyu <xmiyux@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 4 Oct 2007 12:25:45 -0400
As a side note to this, do you feel more discussion occurs on the list rather than the wiki?  I find the format of a wiki difficult to maintain the back and forth discussion that comes from a straight forum or a thread of email.  As such, I rarely log into the wiki but participate in all the discussion on the list.  Am I an anomaly?


On 10/4/07, David Artman <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi, folks;

I am just pinging the list to remind folks that there are (somewhat
stalled) discussions on the wiki about the following proposed changes to
the Icehouse Game Design Competition (IGDC) Procedures:

* Design Restriction: by mechanic, product, theme, or none (for Winter
only; will re-poll for future IGDCs)
** Currently, this discussion is wide open, with a variety of opinions
to be narrowed down into a poll.

* Designers Judging: rank their own games freely, automatically in first
place, or not at all (all IGDCs)
** Currently, this has boiled down to a straight poll; place your vote!

* Contest Timing: Summer and Winter, exact dates up for (minor) debate
* Scheduling judging for the winter and summer seasons has advantages
and disadvantages, but it seems the closest to ideal. We're just
noodling with permanent Submission Deadline dates--nit picking,
basically. :)

It's October 4th (Yay, Sputnik!) and so I'd like to close polling and
finalize rules by, say, October 22th. That will allow approximately two
months for design and test and submit--critical, if we decide to
restrict design in some manner.

Thanks for reading, thanks doubly for voting, thanks triply for
participating in the IGDCs!
Winter IGDC Coordinator

Icehouse mailing list

Ora, lege, lege, lege, relege, labora et invenies.