Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Laser-cut Icehouse storage

  • From"Jeff Wolfe" <jwolfe@xxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 8 Jan 2008 16:49:18 -0500
> From: Carl Worth <cworth@xxxxxxxxxx>
> But one thing that still annoys me about the tubes is getting at the
> pyramids I need. I still go back and forth between keeping each tube
> filled Treehouse-like or single-color. And invariably if I want to
> play a game like Icetowers requiring single colors I find my tubes all
> Treehoused, and when I keep the tubes holding single-color stashes
> someone asks to play Martian Coasters.

I used to store all of my pyramids single-color, but I switched to storing
my Rainbow colors Treehouse-style and my Xeno and Grey pyramids
single-color.  I put my dice into another tube I picked up, giving me a 4x3
stack of tubes.  They, along with all my other Looney Labs games, go in a
sturdy cardboard box that used to hold file folders (leading to the
occasional joke about The File Folder Game).  It fits nicely at the bottom
of my game tub, next to a nearly-shoebox-sized box for card games.  Big-box
games go on top.

Anyway, when we play something Treehouse-ish, the Rainbow colors come out,
and when we play something single-color, Xeno colors come out.  With
five-color games, it doesn't matter which set we use.  So far, it's worked
out well.

- Jeff