Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Pikeman

  • Frommiyu <xmiyux@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 11 Apr 2008 12:04:20 -0400
I had them turn the board diagonally and start in a corner.  Also, being as it was their first game strategy was a little light.  I will play with the full piece set next time because upon second playing strategies will probably start turning up.


On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 11:34 AM, Tucker <jazzfish@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Yay for more incipient Pikemen players! It's such a delightfully elegant
game. I'm always glad to see more people playing it.

> For Pikemen i only had Treehouse stashes and it was a shorter class period
> so i let them each get a Treehouse stash and pick two colors.  So they
> played with 2 large, 2 med, and 2 small.

Huh. Neat. How'd you set up the pieces initially? The only issue I can see
with that is that, unless you start in a corner, you can open with sending
out larges to wreak havoc.

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