Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] pit game

  • FromS Myers <iamthecheeze@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateFri, 13 Mar 2009 17:22:07 -0500
The fFirst game that comes to mind is good old Icehouse.  You might
need to adjust the rules to be more conducive to random drive-by
plays.  Less emphasis on putting people in the icehouse, and more
emphasis on a collaborative game experience.  It would almost become a
bit of an art project, of a sort at that point.  Maintain rules on how
pieces can be played, but reduce (or eliminate) the penalty on having
too fFew pieces in your stash.  That way people who haven't
contemplated the deep complexities of the game can still toss in their
thoughts more fFreely.

There's other non-Looney-Lab suggestions which come to mind, like
Polarity, which is a great game, but hard to get people to take

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 12:11 PM, David L. Willson <DLWillson@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> ----- "Joshua Kronengold" <mneme@xxxxxx> wrote:
>> The only game I know that is within this style (among Icehouse games)
>> ... Turnless Zendo. ...
> This one?  http://www.icehousegames.org/wiki/index.php?title=Speed_Zendo
> Yes.  That's good.  Anyone other ideas?
> My thought is to grab a couple friends and go play a game in a high traffic area.
> David L. Willson
> Trainer, Engineer, Enthusiast
> MCT, MCSE, Linux+
> tel://720.333.LANS
> Freeing people from the tyranny (or whatevery) of Microsofty-ness, one at a time.
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