Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Beyond 5HOUSE

  • FromBryan Stout <stoutwb@xxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 25 Mar 2009 08:25:18 -0400
>> Martian Coasters is colored so you can use either Rainbow or Xeno
>> colors, with one color from each set on a board.  So you can pair them
>> up the same way: red & white, blue & cyan, green & orange, yellow &
>> purple, black & clear.
> Hmm, looks like we have some ambiguity here.  I've always considered that
> red&clear and black&white, instead of the way you did it.

Yeah, I wasn't sure about that myself. Maybe Andy or Kristin or Alison
can clarify that.

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