Looney Labs Icehouse Mailing list Archive

Re: [Icehouse] Beyond 5HOUSE

  • From"David L. Willson" <DLWillson@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 19 Mar 2009 11:23:07 -0600 (MDT)
JMO, bring on the "big" games.  I have all 12 colors, and I tell everyone that I "start" in this, that there is no "finish line", per se, just 
increments of "bought in".  1 treehouse, 3, 5, 5+pink, 5+pink+grey, 5+pink+grey+5.  And they could add another color any time, and I'd be happy, as long as I don't have to buy 5 more Treehouses to get a stash of it.  OTOH, if they did 5 new colors for a completely new Treehouse, I'd be first on my block to plunk down the $60 and have a stash of each new color.

Maybe not first in my state, though.  I've learned there are people impassioned by plastic pyramids (and pyramid paraphernalia) in Boulder.


----- "David Artman" <david.artman@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 12:45 PM, Joshua Kronengold < mneme@xxxxxx >
> wrote:
> Also, MegaVolcano (MEGA VOLCANO!) playes with 8 stashes; this is far
> from the only game with extreme requirements.
> I wonder if there's interest in populating that space: the "needs a
> ton of stashes" space that MegaVol and Stacktors inhabits? Looking at
> the wiki, it appears that less than 20% of the games on it require
> more than 5HOUSE, and half of those are six stashes, leaving 10% at
> the 7+ stashes range (notably ZERO at the 8-stash level: need to make
> a MegaVolcano page, it would seem; or at least link to it from What
> Can I Play).
> Perhaps that could be a design restriction, next year, for the "old
> school": require at least eight transparent colors? Advanced
> Homeworlds, anyone? RAMbots++? (Yes, I'd be rolling Stacktors!, what
> of it?!)
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