Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

[Rabbits] More UK Conventions That Still Let Us In

  • From"Jennifer Waddington" <very_evil_kitten@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateWed, 16 Nov 2005 16:03:04 +0000

Gen Con's over, time for the next round...

...we have demo space (unlike loads of other people who got their requests in too late, heh heh) at Dragonmeet on Saturday 3rd December, at Kensington Town Hall in London. Christmas shopping AND Rabbiting in one handy package. We don't seem to be listed on the site at the moment, despite confirmation of space, grr snarl, that shall be changed.

I'm waiting for confirmation on space for Conception 2006, but we're likely to be able to scam at least one table, plus of course hanging out in the bar and lounge areas. That one's from Wednesday 1st February 2006 until Sunday 5th February 2006 and it's probably easier to look at the website for location - 'near Bournemouth' is best I can do for a general idea.

Please let me know if you're up for these, either at the mail address that's no doubt come attached to this or at aetherlost@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx , if your mails don't seem to be getting through.
Yes, we will have cookies.
