I had been hoping that someone else would step up to the plate to run
the Looney Labs demos for Arisia, since I was busy at the end of last
year, and then I could just help out once Arisia actually happened,
but it looks like that's not going to happen. So, I'm trying to set
something up at the last minute, and would like to know if there will
be anyone else there to help out. Last year we didn't schedule
anything particular, we just took over a couple of tables in the open
gaming room, and I don't think that really worked very well; there
was a lot of time when we were just sitting around not doing much. I
think using scheduled gaming slots for particular demos might work
better. I can demo most Icehouse games (other than Icehouse itself),
Chrononauts, Fluxx, and Aquarius, though I prefer the Icehouse games.
Does anyone else want to do any demos, too? I've contacted the gaming
coordinator to find out what time slots are available, so let me know
if you want to help run a demo.
See you around, and happy gaming,