Title: Message
On 03/03/2006 14:49:01, Elliott C. Evans
> I don't
> think
it's a bad thing for certain cards to be slightly
> more powerful, but having one or two cards being widly
> turns the game from "Fluxx" to
"Find a Golden Ticket".
Could this problem
not be solved by having more than one of that card type in the deck. Say, two.
That means that one single card is not so "powerful". If there are more than one
then more than one person could be sitting on the chances of winning. Of course,
you can always get a little trickier if you wanted, research the creatures a lot
more and find ones that don't sit well together - so if one combination is on
the table another can't win. Unfortunately I don't have the time at the moment
to scour my fairly moderate mythology library to give solid
I really like the
idea and some of the cards that are coming up. It could make for a nice theme
deck. To be honest, spinning off this concept is giving me ideas that go beyond
normal Fluxx that I've yet to solidly formulate in my mind (perhaps I'll post
them if I do).