Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] New Rabbit

  • FromKristin <kristin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateThu, 27 Jul 2006 10:50:07 -0400
> Having played both, I *vastly* prefer Gnostica.  My recommendation is
> to just skip Zarcana entirely.  Not to speak for its creator, but there
> was a reason it had to be improved (and it was!).

I do not skip games entirely, as sometimes I do not like modifications
that are made to future editions, or variations of games.  I like to see
the development of things, and know why things were changed.

well there is LOTS of development history on this one  :)




-Kristin (who has not played Zarcana in years, but used to enjoy it as long as she was playing against casual gamers not gamers who ultimately wanted the game to be more like what it turned into when it became Gnostica)