Looney Labs Rabbits Mailing list Archive

Re: [Rabbits] Re: Whining

  • FromDan Efran <efran@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • DateTue, 01 Aug 2006 11:29:43 -0400
Yeah, personally I'd recommend a thread-handling mail reader like that, rather than digests. With digests you get fewer messages in your inbox, sure, but you can't easily delete the threads you don't care about and file the ones you want to keep. It's not more convenient, just more compact. Message threads are the problem and the solution - use software that deals with them the way you want to.

    -- Dan Efran
        Martian Ambassador

Carlton Noles wrote:
Personally Gmail has a rather nifty way of dealing with this I think
of it as semi threaded. When I get mutliple emails with the same
topicIt only shows the last (most recent) one in my inbox with the
number of emails next to it. When I open that I see all of the emails
in that thread. If the email has already been read then it is
collapsed (you see only the sender subject and date).  I t is rather
handy. If I receive multiple emails in a conversation (gmail's term
for thread) thaat I am not interested in then I can delete the lot at
once. In any case the inbox only shows one entry for the entire


On 7/31/06, Josh Drobina <rabbit-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Actually, when you visit:


to sign up, right above the 'Subscribe' button, there's a radio button
selection that asks if you want your email batched in a daily digest. :)

Thanks everyone for your courteous replies!

Josh Drobina (rabbit-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Rabbit Coordinator

--On July 31, 2006 9:51:34 AM -0700 Jessica Reidel
<almightyjessica@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> --- elise0511@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> >
> > You can ask to be put on digest, which would cut down on your
> > email quantity.
> > --
> > Elise Dee Beraru
> > www.elisedeeberaru.com
> >
> I too was feeling overwhelmed by the volume of email generated
> by this list and was wishing for digests.  It is through this
> discussion that I learned of it.  I wish the option to receive
> digests was presented at list sign up rather than being the sort
> of thing you have to find it on your own, or through the
> conversation generated by this kind of frustration.
> Drama Mama you are not alone.
> Jessica L. Reidel
>  A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy
> enough people to make it worth the while.
> - Herm Albright
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